Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Old Pictures

For some reason I can fall right asleep in the fold out chair in David's room, but give me a comfy king size bed, and I can't fall asleep to save my life......go figure. So unable to fall asleep, I found a few of our engagement pictures on our wedding blog, thought I would share:


Sandra said...

Sorry you are having trouble sleeping. I am sure you mind is going 100 mph all the time. Hope you and David have a good day tomorrow!

Bobbie said...

Beautiful pictures!Thanks for sharing them with us.
Granny and I will be there on Thursday and we are so excited!

Far From Perfect said...

Like Preppy said-it's hard to turn off your thoughts. Hope today brings good things.

I love thses photo's...I remember your mother talking about your wedding last year,or should I say when you "Tied the Knot". Hope I don't sound like a creepy blogger... Love the Pictures-Thanks for sharing.Cyndy

Melanie said...

Trying to catch up on your blog...I've been MIA...lol

Beautiful pictures!!!!!! Cute couple