Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am back at the Mologne House after a night with David in the hospital. My Dad came over about 6:30am to "relieve" me.

The Sun Herald has an article on us in the paper today, you can find it here.

We kinda got in trouble for not going thru the Walter Reed PR people, I guess they are scared people will say negative things about the hospital. The story came out this morning and the guy was in our room by 9am! They must monitor the internet 24/7. I didn't tell him about my blog.....

David has PT at 1pm today and that is about all we have planned for the day. I plan on resting in a real bed!


angie & jason carter said...

hey liz!! So sorry we were unable to get back up to see ya'll before we left dc. Tell david we said hey too! Saw your story in the Sunherald today online. We have told so many people about ya'll. You and david both are amazing people. We were very blessed to have met you both. Hope ya'll are getting better service now. Ya'll are still in our thoughts & prayers. We will def keep in touch with you. here is our personal email

Danielle Atkinson said...

Hey Liz and David. I hope PT went well. it too early to get excited about the possibility of you two moving to Pensacola? I had no idea that was an option!

Unknown said...

Danielle, there may be some law against you and David both living in Pensacola although technically Eglin is in Fort Walton.

Sandra said...

Sorry the blog has become so public. If you decide to become private, I would love an invitation. Hope today was a good day. xoxo

dkfc said...

Great article! So proud of you both!

__ said...

I just saw the article in the SunHerald ... I followed you on Tie the Knot and I just wanted to give both you and your husband my very best wishes. You are both an inspiration. God bless.

Susie Q said...

Oh my, here's hoping the hospital guy didn't read the captions under the pics!

If you do go private, I also would love an invite.

Take care of yourself and prayers to both of you.