Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Knee flexion, New Wheelchair, and Feel that Burn


dkfc said...

Wow, you look great! Keep up the good work. I am so impressed with all you are doing. The next time I do not want to go to the gym, I am going to think of you and be more than inspired!

Jamie Flowers said...

Great pictures of Dave pumping iron! Love you!

Far From Perfect said...

Getting that knee to bend I hear can be difficult. Little at a time. I found my husband checking out David's progress this weekend- he worked some Afghan Dr's last week here in Nebraska?? Really not clear what it was all about?? Dr passed on a "Educational" opportunity to go to Afghanistan with these Dr's. I have a feeling he may be going any way- we have known this for sometime. God Bless from Nebraska.... tell Ms Subway to get her act together!!

Long-time RN said...

Looking at the flexion photos makes me wince. Bet that led to some discomfort. Wonderful to see such amazing progress, Dave. Let's see a photo of your biceps in a few weeks!