Tuesday, August 4, 2009


That's a good Ahhh, as in a sigh of relief. Our good friend Marilyn and I had a nice chat this morning and she sent me this verse:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Today has ended up being a really good day! I worked out my new jaw appointment with the oral surgery clinic, Dave had an AMAZING day at PT, AND my mom really came thru with the car situation. A guy my Dad plays golf with has a lot that mainly sells over the internet, so my mom dropped off the car there today and things are looking great to get it sold soon. This is a HUGE weight off my shoulders, just knowing things are in the works.

And the Subway lady got it right today :)


Tami said...

Way to go to your mom and the subway lady. It's always good when things go your way.
I am so glad to hear David had a good day at PT. HOOAH David!!!
Liz, take time to rest and know that even as you sleep there are many people praying for the both of you.

God Bless,

dkfc said...

Glad it turned out to be a good day for both you and David!

Sandra said...

My son and I were just talking about that Bible verse Sunday night! We were talking about how consoling it is and how in the midst of the worst crisis or melt-down, those words totally bring peace and calm. So glad things are looking up! So, so glad. {hugs anyway} xoxo

Paula@SweetPea said...

I'm glad that things are looking a little brighter for you today. It sounds like you will be rid of your car in no time now.

Wife of a Wounded Soldier said...

AHHH the Subway at WRAMC! It was the only decent food there but something was always wrong with my order. Hope things continue to go well.