Friday, October 16, 2009

Well no ball for us.....yesterday I had to call an ambulance to come pick Dave up and take him to the ER. He is going thru withdrawals due to a med change. Today is a little better, but I don't think we will be doing much this weekend....


Sandra said...

So sorry to hear this. I know you are disappointed. Honestly, Liz, you have handled all this so well, so I hate to hear about any kind of disappointment for you. Hope Dave feels better. I haven't read anything from your mom lately. How is she? Hang in there. We are all thinking about YOU. {Big Hug} xoxo

Jane said...

:( I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers! Hopefully you'll be able to wear that beautiful dress to someplace else sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you. I hope you have a gentle weekend.

Unknown said...

That must be frightening. Hope the weekend goes well and Dave is feeling better.

K-Dubyah said...

Liz and Dave,

Hope you both feel better real soon.

Have a restful weekend.

Mickey Addison said...

Hang in there, guys. You both are always in my prayers.

Long-time RN said...

Sorry to read of Dave's emergency and cancellation of the ball. :(
Hope Dave is going better and both of you can relax this weekend.

Paula@SweetPea said...

Poor Dave! I hope that he gets over the withdrawal symptoms soon.

Milk & Cookie Party said...

Hope the weekend was an improvement for Dave and you got some rest. Maybe you'll wear that beautiful gown soon! Praying for you and your husband.