Saturday, October 17, 2009

6 months ago today we arrived at WRAMC....


Sandra said...

You are strong people. Thinking about you and Dave, Liz. xoxo

SBCVandy aka PreppyChemist said...

I found your blog this evening and just wanted to tell you how impressed I am by your grace in facing all of this and sharing it with the world. You will both be in my prayers. I feel so inarticulate finding a way to say it, but thank your for your writing.

Unknown said...

How is Dave doing? And you of course? Too bad about the ball! Did you keep the dress?

Wila (aka Ali) said...

Hope that Dave is feeling better. You have been so strong through this journey. Thanks for sharing.

Long-time RN said...

Hi Dave and Liz,

Just watched an AP clip of Dave and another fella golfing. Way to go Dave! You really hit that ball using an entirely different swing technique. Darn good coordination!

Continued thoughts and prayers. Six months of amazing progress. High five and ONWARD.