Thursday, September 3, 2009

Guess where I'm going tonight?

Yay! Jimmy Buffet! Unfortunately Dave does not feel up to the concert, but he is very understading that his Parrothead wife REALLY wants to go! A few of the girls from the MH are going, so it should be an AMAZING time!


dkfc said...

I am soooo jealous!!! Have a great time. Maybe Jimmy will drop by the ward and visit the soldiers. I know you guys said he did last year so I have been emailing him and requesting a visit, so maybe??? Sorry Dave does not feel up to it.

Unknown said...

Before long, Dave will be up and will have a tough time keeping up with him.
For tonight...I hope you are having a blast!!!!

Sandra said...

Hope you had a great time! You deserve it! xoxoxo

Mike Lambert said...

Can you shoot me a mailing address? I'd like to send you and David an Apple gift card. My e-mail is mikelambert "at"

Preppy Lizard said...

Hope you had a great time. I am sure the concert was AMAZING!!

Bobbie said...

Hi there. Where are the pictures
of ya'll in your parrot head attire??
Hope you had a great time.
Mom 2

Jamie Flowers said...

Hope you had a great time! Take any pictures???

dkfc said...

I'm with Bobbie...where are the pics in the "fin!"