Friday, September 25, 2009


Dave's surgery went really well, they got about 120 degrees of bend to his knee. Pre-surgery he was only getting about 20 degrees. He will be on Ward 57 until Monday, for pain control and so he can be in the CPM machine, which will keep his leg bending all the time.

We are really looking forward to Gene coming to visit us next week. Gene is the guy in the picture up there with Dave. He was the first person to come to Dave after the landmine went off. Gene saved Dave's life by running in without regard for his own safety (there could have been more landmines in the area) and putting the tourniquets on Dave's legs.

We also got a visit yesterday from Tim and Ryan, Barksdale EOD guys who were in Afghanistan with Dave!


Sandra said...

Have a good visit! Always good to see a fresh face! Glad the surgery went well. xoxo

CI-Roller Dude said...

I'm O+ if he ever needs a pint

Long-time RN said...

Very good to read this surgery went well! Thoughts and prayers for you both.

Paula@SweetPea said...

Wow - getting a 120 degree bend in the knee from 20 degrees is quite an improvement. Enjoy your visit from your friends!

dacg said...

You are both in our prayer chain in SD. My brother is at Barksdale & retired 30yrs of service.

Good luck,
Darla Cohn-Gay

Diane Altsman said...

He Liz - Mr. Rick and I love you and David, and have been following the progress... You guys are in our prayers always. Had dinner with your Mom and Dad last night. had a great time! We love you and look forward to a camp fire when yall can come home..Please let me know what yall need ..I want to send a Care Package to you with your parents on their next visit!

Unknown said...

great news regarding the surgery. no doubt, the reunion of these two soldiers will have no words.
My prayers continue for both you and David.

Far From Perfect said...

Good Morning- just checking in from Nebraska! Sounds like this procedure can be painful. You both are in our thoughts & prayers daily. Cyndy