As you can tell by his face, this was VERY painful but he did stand up on both legs for a few seconds!

"The greater part of our happiness depends on our disposition and not our circumstances."
-Martha Washington
“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later and then you still have to decide what to do.”
-C.S. Lewis
Thanks for posting these great pictures although he does look like he is hurting! I love yall!
That is so amazing. What courage.
Awesome! I was grimacing with you, Dave, but great job!
Wow,I am so impressed...and so soon after surgery on that left leg! Congrats, I know it was painful, I can see it on your face, but be proud of yourself...a huge step!!
wow...he continues to Amaze me! "Grandma Shirley" mentioned the phone call about the cards. That was so nice of him to call, and most appreciated, I am sure! I commend you dave and Liz for going through this. And also for putting it online, so everyone knows what it is like, well I now somewhat it is like. I am sure I will never know completely. Anyways, I hope it continiues to go as well as circumstances allow. Thanks for the pics Liz!
You can definitely tell by his face that it hurts, but WTG for standing for a few seconds!
Wow- it's amazing how fast "they" put you on your feet no matter how intense the surgery. My Dad had 5 bypasses years ago and the next day they had him walking down the halls. Your husband has great strength- and you do too. Thanks for sharing this journey.
Good to see the new brace is attached. Prayers for healing and continued progress.
You can see the strain in David's face, I also noticed a different shoe then last time!!
If you get the "Golf Channel"- I saw that there's going to be a program called "Golf in America". Showing soliders with Prothetic's learning to get their swing going. Looked like a good show. Wish I know the time etc?? I think I remember you saying David is a golfer?
Dave buddy,
yeah, looks a little painful but you're doing it! So um, will you end up shorter or taller in the end. I see you have your new shoe on. That would be a shame to not have been able to wear those again.
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