Putting on the sleeve:

With the leg on:

Sitting upright:


Almost there:

Standing on one leg:

Flamingo style:

Cool down with some Foosball: (this really helps his hand)

"The greater part of our happiness depends on our disposition and not our circumstances."
-Martha Washington
“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later and then you still have to decide what to do.”
-C.S. Lewis
OMG David this is so awesome! We are all doing the HAPPY HAPPY JOY DANCE FOR YOU! We love you, honey, keep up the great progress...Jim and I are so excited for you!
I'm so proud of you Dave! You are doing so well! I can't wait to see you and be there for more of your progress! I love you!
I just stumbled across your blog and have been thoroughly inspired. I hope you don't mind, but I have bookmarked your blog so I can follow David's progress. Tell David he has a family rootin' for him in South Carolina!
Standing up!!! WOW!!! So proud of you. I really enjoyed talking with you yesterday and couldn't wait to see the pics today. I knew you could do it! You look great. Keep up the good work, you are making such progress. You should be very proud of yourself. Enjoy you visit with Jamie and I hope to talk with you again soon.
Aunt Donna
Oh these pictures are so wonderful to see. How proud we are for you! This is such progress!! xoxo
{And I'm loving the music ;-)}
I am so thrilled for you both!
My prayers will be with you.
A new reader, stopping by (Marine wife). Hugs & Prayers for you in your recovery.
This is so exciting! Way to go David!!
Thank you for posting these
wonderful pictures. David what a wonderful day!I'm so proud of you
and Liz. Both of you are doing such a great job.Steve and Jamie will be headed that way tomorrow and they can't wait to see ya'll.
I think Jamie forgot to exit and I posted under her name. OOPS
Tilting to upright-YAHOO! Seeing your smile is fantastic, Dave! Rock on!
Congrats Dave and Liz! The support you two are creating is amazing!! Keep up the great work, Dave! I am local, so feel to contact me through my blog if you need anything!!! -ali
David & Elizabeth,
I am storming Heaven with prayers of healing and thanksgiving for the 2 of you. All of the parishioners at Holy Trinity are praying for you too. Keep up the great progress. I am blessed to have witnessed your beautiful marriage 1 year age.
God bless,
Msgr. Earl
Standing already?!?!?! That is absolutely amazing and such a tribute to his strength and determination...and yours. And that smile is grand to see.
Maybe he can try juggling. DH does and watching him today, I realized that I should have done that for therapy after I had my stroke in 94. It really would have helped movement and coordination.
WOW! Dude, I'm almost speachless -Liz, thank you so much for posting these pictures. Dave, I nearly lost it seeing these pics. You're making such great progress in such short time, it really is a miracle. You're looking awesome buddy, take care and I'll be saying what's up soon.
Dave, it is truly amazing to see how far you have come since May. You're an inspiration to all of us. You and Liz are constantly in my prayers. Thank you, Liz, for this blog that enables us to follow Dave's progress from back home.
Much love and many prayers to ya'll! Brandi Murray Bryant
Dear David & Elizabeth,
You should be receiving some cards from Holy Trinity in the near future. We are proud of you and continue to keep you in our prayers.
God bless,
Msgr. Earl
dave, liz -- This is awesome! You two are truly an inspiration.
Dave, this is awesome! I am so proud of you. You can stand! Just remember to pray daily, and God will always be with you.
Liz-Thank you for posting these pictures. You both have amazing strength. May God continue to bless you both.
Jodi Ladner
Congrats! I'm so excited for you. You both are truly an inspiration to us all.
hey this is shane or as flowers would know me holloway. i would really like to talk to him its been a while. if you could pass on my # that would be great 360 265 1400. thanks btw i was his room mate in EOD school for like a year and some change sooo
Liz - I recently found your blog and as a fellow USAF wife, this really hits home. You both are truly an inspiration. I know you must be so proud of Dave and how much he has accomplished in such little time. You are both in our thoughts and prayers.
I just wanted to say congrats on the milestones! Every little thing is a good step in the right direction. I also wondered how your left leg is doing. I also must say the leg looks nice, and you seem like a guy who will walk in no time flat! I hope things keep going well for you and Liz.
Don't know you guys, but I found your blog through another and just wanted to say I will be praying for you! Thank you for your service for our country!!! We don't take lightly your sacrifice!
God bless!
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