Sorry I have not been posting much lately....sometimes I just can't think anymore when I get back here to the hotel......
So here's what has been going on:
Yesterday (Wednesday) Dave got in his wheelchair for the 1st time since the flap surgery, he scooted from his bed to the chair all by himself! This is BIG, before it took 4 people to move him! Then we went down to the MATC and he was given the sleeve that he will wear under his prosthetic leg, to get used to wearing it. THEN while we where down there he had to go to the bathroom (this might be TMI, but it is also a HUGE step for us) He got onto a toilet!! I had to hold the ex fix leg but he did it!! Keep in mind that he is missing 1/2 of his abdominal muscles too! And has a huge scar that is pretty painful. So an hour later, he is worn out so we call it a day and head back up to the room. But first we stopped by another ward to see an injured EOD guy that Dave knew from the schoolhouse to drop off well wishes and a Tshirt.
This morning I went to Bolling AFB to sort out my monthly financials, so Dave was left to fend for himself, he got down to the MATC all on his own! They took a mold of his nub to make the prosthetic. It should be ready tomorrow for (insert drumroll here) when he will stand up on his leg!! Things are really moving along for us now, it is very exciting!
As for medicine, he has discontinued his PCA and is no longer hooked up to the Dilaudid drip, his epidural was pulled out this afternoon, and he is using much less Oxy. Since the epidural was taken out they will be able to remove his catheter tomorrow morning too.
Tuesday he will have another surgery to remove the ex fix and put on a halo. This will give him a little more freedom, as it is not so heavy and will be below his knee. They are also going to put skin grafts over the flap.
Side note:
Since Dave has an iphone he is able to read the blog and REALLY enjoys reading comments people leave, so please leave a message for him. I know more people read than are leaving comments, so don't be shy, talk to us, it really makes him feel good!
Hopefully I can get some really good pictures tomorrow!