Yay! Jimmy Buffet! Unfortunately Dave does not feel up to the concert, but he is very understading that his Parrothead wife REALLY wants to go! A few of the girls from the MH are going, so it should be an AMAZING time!
"The greater part of our happiness depends on our disposition and not our circumstances."
-Martha Washington
“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later and then you still have to decide what to do.”
-C.S. Lewis
I am soooo jealous!!! Have a great time. Maybe Jimmy will drop by the ward and visit the soldiers. I know you guys said he did last year so I have been emailing him and requesting a visit, so maybe??? Sorry Dave does not feel up to it.
Before long, Dave will be up and about...you will have a tough time keeping up with him.
For tonight...I hope you are having a blast!!!!
Hope you had a great time! You deserve it! xoxoxo
Can you shoot me a mailing address? I'd like to send you and David an Apple gift card. My e-mail is mikelambert "at" therealnavy.com
Hope you had a great time. I am sure the concert was AMAZING!!
Hi there. Where are the pictures
of ya'll in your parrot head attire??
Hope you had a great time.
Mom 2
Hope you had a great time! Take any pictures???
I'm with Bobbie...where are the pics in the "fin!"
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