Tonight we are off to dinner at Morton's Steakhouse, the Aleethia Foundation has Friday night dinners that are free and have transporation from the Mologne House. Last Sunday we went to a fabulous dinner at the Israeli Embassy that they set up.
"The greater part of our happiness depends on our disposition and not our circumstances."
-Martha Washington
“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later and then you still have to decide what to do.”
-C.S. Lewis
I know a lot of teenagers with 2 good legs who can't do that.
Damn...what a hero. I'm glad things are moving along...I'm not sure I'd be that tough.
It's so great to see David up and strengthening himself to walk. I hope that the two of you enjoyed your dinner out.
Looks like serious concentration at the parallel bars. Does therapy have you weight bear on the left leg? Keep up the strong work, Dave. It's awesome seeing your progress. Congrats to you both on the move. Have a great time at the game!
Hey buddy, I can't tell you what seeing you up on two legs does to me. That's absolutely phenomenal...stay strong brother...
wow... what great progress! Liz, tell David to keep up the great and hard work..it looks like he is really progressing! Congrats on moving up into being an outpatient! David, if you read this... I am happy for you that the progess is going so well for you. I am sure you are happy to be an outpatient now and to be with Liz and to have a car to ride around in. You will be walking in no time, it seems!
Dave! You are my boy Dave!
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